3rd meeting onformation of Malaysian Smart Cities Alliance (MSCA) 2.0 was held on Thursday, 23 January 2020. There were total of 7 out of 9 invited members attended the meeting which included discussion and presentation on;
Workplan 2020
Proposed programme/projects/activities by members
Based on the meeting, MIGHT is looking forward in identifying on several success pilot project in local council which can be replicated to other councils. Upcoming meeting will be held in March 2020 which will be focused more on strategy and promotion for the alliance.
Date: 23 January 2020
Venue: MIGHT Partnership Hub, Cyberjaya
3rd meeting on formation of Malaysian Smart Cities Alliance (MSCA) 2.0 was held on Thursday, 23 January 2020. There were total of 7 out of 9 invited members attended the meeting which included discussion and presentation on;
Based on the meeting, MIGHT is looking forward in identifying on several success pilot project in local council which can be replicated to other councils. Upcoming meeting will be held in March 2020 which will be focused more on strategy and promotion for the alliance.
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