Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT) and Institute of Housing and Local Government (I-KPKT) in collaboration with Ministry of Housing and Local Government (KPKT), URBANICE MALAYSIA and PLANMalaysia organised Knowledge and Sharing Session: How to Accelerate the Implementation of Smart Cities in Malaysia”. This virtual forum and training serves as a part of capacity building programme for GEF6 Sustainable Cities Development in Malaysia. This training is intended for local authorities, industry player, solution provider, urban planner, policy makers, and anyone with an interest in exploration of opportunities and challenges in developing smart cities. This training consisted of 7 Modules moderated by smart city innovators, entrepreneurs, leaders, communities, and businesses.
Knowledge and Training Session: How to Accelerate the Implementation of Smart Cities in Malaysia
Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT) and Institute of Housing and Local Government (I-KPKT) in collaboration with Ministry of Housing and Local Government (KPKT), URBANICE MALAYSIA and PLANMalaysia organised Knowledge and Sharing Session: How to Accelerate the Implementation of Smart Cities in Malaysia”. This virtual forum and training serves as a part of capacity building programme for GEF6 Sustainable Cities Development in Malaysia. This training is intended for local authorities, industry player, solution provider, urban planner, policy makers, and anyone with an interest in exploration of opportunities and challenges in developing smart cities. This training consisted of 7 Modules moderated by smart city innovators, entrepreneurs, leaders, communities, and businesses.
Video & Documents can be downloaded here:
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